Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Read and REACT

Read the following web article.

Web Article

NOW, react to the article by commenting on this post.
Answer the following question:

SUM UP IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what are a few things you can do to make creative, exciting portraits?


  1. I love, love, love candids! They show how people act. I also enjoy props. They tell a story and sometimes people just aren't interesting enough by themselves.

  2. I love how they have props in them..and not just by there self.

  3. I love the series of shots also the props

  4. get different angles, and points of few. think outside the box. do things unexpected.

  5. I think the color from the light show picture.
    It is awesome!!!

  6. I love experimenting with light. It makes the pictures very different and can't have to look exactly alike.

  7. I love the fact that they don't all involve the same thing. The props were amazing.

  8. I really like all of the photos. Some are very weird and different but they work well. My favorite is the bubble picture because it gives a different perspective.

  9. I love.... well i thought that the focusing on one body part was interesting.

  10. props make the picture more interesting

  11. Play with Eye Contact, Is very fascinating and i like how it brings your focus on someone else than what you originally look at.. I like it a lot i really really do. :) :)

  12. I really like the one with the girl jumping! I would like to do something like that!

  13. I liked the angles and different ways they talked about shooting candids. Posing can be boring or unrealistic and sometimes the "accidents" make the best shots. I want to strive to be unexpected.

  14. Looking off in different directions is something that I think is really powerful and I really love it. I also really like not capturing the person's whole body in the shot. My goal is to do really edgy things and push the envelope :)

  15. I liked the one with the little girl playing with the telephone. That was a really cute idea! Props are cool!

  16. I like the tip about eye contact. I love when someone is staring off in the distance. It really makes you wonder what the story is.
