Thursday, September 30, 2010


Chelsie's Cut-Out: Yay! It's J.B. Mauney!

Amy Cut-Out

Chelsea Cutout



Cut-out: lazer cats!!

Im Finally Italian!!!!!

media cut-out

Cut-Out McKenzie

Martin & Tierney

Cut Out- Taylor

Billy n me! :)

Media Cut Out

Oh Sasquatch...

cut out-Alex


Work on cut-outs.  Post a good one by the end of class Friday.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Making a Cut-out

Today we will learn how to cut someone out and place them in a new background.  This can be used to make fun images like you on the moon, walking with dinosaurs, or on a dream date.  Pay close attention to these MANY steps and you too can be a CUT-OUT KING!  (or queen)

1- Open your document in Photoshop (right click>open_with>Photoshop)

2- Select the Magnetic Lasso Tool and go around part of the image you want to keep. You can create a keypoint when ever you want by click. Be careful not to double click until you are all the way complete.

3- Once the bulk of the subject is selected (using the lasso in step 2), click on the Quick Mask button on the tool bar. This floods the unwanted area with a color (you can change it to best suit your image). Now you are ready to do the FINE DETAILS.

4- Use the following tools to move around the image and make your cut-out perfect

H- the hand allows your to move about the image
B- Paint Brush allows to to paint more mask
E- Eraser allows you to free more of the subject.
L- Polygon Lasso is good for selecting larger areas. Once selected, once an area may be filled.
SHIFT+ F5- Fills the selection

5- Once the Quick Mask work is done, complete the following steps to make your cut-out complete and ready to add to a new background

  • CLICK on the Quick mask button again creating marching ants around the subject.
  • COM+X to cut out the subject
  • COM+N to open the image where you want the cut-out to go
  • COM+V to paste in the subject
  • COM+T (holding SHIFT) to adjust the size of the subject.

That might seem like a lot... because it is. But if you start playing with cut-outs in your spare time you can get very good at it quickly. AND PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Gunnar The Used

The Car

Gunnar Ross

I am a car.

I was once drove hard,

But now I sit in the weeds.

Once I was top of the line,

Now im forgotten.

I long to be restored back to my shinny self once again.


This many years ago was a family coach,
now is burned and lonely,
miles of fun and joy,
days now without a sight of anyone.

Taylor The Used

The Broken Connections

Taylor Hudson

I am a bridge.

I was once used as a connection.

But now I can no longer hold the weight.

Years ago I was needed.

Now you wouldn’t even know me.

I stand alone.

The Used- McKenzie

I used to be a trusty dump truck.

After the day I saw those flames,

I knew I would never be the same again.

Now I just sit here all rusted

with new green life growing all around me.

I am the used.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Used- Kels

The Tractor
it caught my eye as things do driving by on a dirt road
and I wondered
who put it there, and when, that old tractor
how long has it sat there in that sun?
and I wondered
how many mouths it fed
not just the farmers family, but the nation
and I wondered

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Used

The Abandoned

I used to be a home.
Now all I am is rotted boards and nails.
Where there used to be music and dancing,
now is just the sound of rain and thunder.
Broken bottles and broken glass are all that I have.

Chelss- The Used

Rusted Down

The Used- Tiffany

A major childhood memory, climbing on they hay bales!
Running with friends, using our imaginations, discovering tales to tell.
Now that I look back on the memories it makes me sad.
What I wouldn't give to go back to those days of carelessness and huge imaginations.
The years have gone by so fast and what was once a sturdy building that nothing could harm is now an unstable patchwork of wood.
What was once a child playing games, is now a young adult seeking out a life for themselves.
This is the story of the used.

James- The Used

Once I was a car
now I'm a huge pile of scrap
Ready to go to the scrap  
and to have the power I 
once had crushed in the car
grave yard.

The used-Darrick

I like my truck.

I had good times in my truck.

I like my truck.

I wouldn’t know what to do with out my truck.

I like my truck.

If I didn’t have my truck my feet would hurt.

I like my truck.

Without my truck I would die.

I like my truck.

Without my truck I wouldn’t have a reason to live!

I love my truck!

The Used- Tier

rotting and covered with mold
roots still plunge deep

invisible in the middle
standing alone

life grows on
as age stays

forever the used


Light me up

Paige Behrens

I’m dark inside.

My walls are black.

I look up and my ceiling is peeling.

Just hanging there.

On my floors there is nothing but dust and scratches.

I am broken.

But look above the door!

There’s a light!

It shines beautifully bright and I can see.

This light is my hope.

It is all I have left.

I’m crumbling, but look again.

my walls may be dark,

my ceiling may be peeling,

and my floors are scratched,

but I am still shining bright.

The Used- Cody Sytsma

I am ’81 LeMans driven and old. I have been transporting a Dad sense I was brand new now a teenager controls me. I have put out good for how old I am. I am close to being an antique car. I was called the sports car but now I’m the pimp mobile. I may be old and have a rusty hood but I have stayed strong threw the years.